So, sometimes i'm like this..

and other times..

however, most of the time I'm like this.

Basically, I've never felt like I fit in. Always had to stay still. I was always told that my "oddness" was something to be ashamed of, and I believed this for the better part of my life.

I'm a creative writer, and I have about a million stories to tell every other week. It all floats in my head though, and this blog is my way of trying to put down these stories and thoughts. (please helpppp me i need motivation.)

I like trees, plants and nature in general. Wanna know a secret? I think nature is the gateway to the spirit world and the ancient Gods, but that's a story for another day.

(I took this picture during one of my travels xx.)

I like learning about Gods and Godesses that have led the Yoruba people to victory, triumph, fertility, and have provided them cultural richness for generations.

(P.S: Osanyin is my favorite.)

Before you read this blog, please make sure you're not racist, homophobic, ableist, misogynistic, misandristic, fatphobic, or have any other discriminatory qualities. If you do, please get out. I'm not joking.

Anyway, I'm a psychology major that's passionate about mental health, and improving people's lives in general. And one way to do that is to drop my perspective to life on here. I don't know it all, I don't even want to pretend to. But I genuinely want people to read what I'm thinking about and change their mindset towards several pressing issues around the world.

Please, make sure to interact with me about what I rant on here about, and maybe we'd all learn a thing or two about this bittersweet experience called life.


Connect with Jubril Lawal
Jubril Lawal

Jubril Lawal

Creative writer trying to change the world in my own little way, one word at a time.